Senate Health Committee to vote on Health Care Flu Vaccine Bill on Monday, Feb. 4, 2013

This bill is “an act concerning influenza vaccination of certain health care workers.” in NJ. S1464   is scheduled for a vote in the Senate Health Committee Monday, February, 4, 2013.  This bill will require health care facilities to “offer” influenza vaccine to health care workers and “track” those who have received the vaccine and … Read more

New Jersey’s Religious Exemption – IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED!

The SENATE AMENDED S1759 on Thursday, October 4th. In response to your calls, the bill no longer requires annual vaccination counseling or a doctor’s signature. However, the revised bill still has major problems. The NJ SENATE May vote on S1759 on Thursday, October 25th. Mark your calendars. This is the next possible date that S1759 … Read more

A Letter To Oppose Bill S1759, Please Write Your NJ Senators!

Dear Senator x, I’m writing to ask you to vote NO to bill S1759, a bill which parents feel is very intrusive and offensive to our religious rights. S1759 makes it much more complicated, expensive, and time-consuming to file for a religious exemption to vaccination. Currently parents can opt their children out of vaccines due … Read more

ACTION ALERT!! New Jersey’s Religious Exemption to Vaccination is Under Attack!

New Jersey’s Religious Exemption to Vaccination is Under Attack! (Step 1) Join us to fight bill S1759 at the Senate Health Committee Hearing THURSDAY, SEPT. 20 at 1:00 PM! Please plan to attend! Bring 10-15 copies of your testimony/statement to share with Senators and RSVP if you can go to Trenton to   | … Read more

TRENTON UPDATE from The Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee Meeting

MONDAY, MARCH 7, 2011 We had a successful day in Trenton! A243 the Conscientious Exemption to Mandatory Immunization Bill was not put up for a vote following testimony. A3746 – Reorganizing of the Public Health Council and Restoring full power was pulled prior to any testimony. Both bills will likely come up again, so we … Read more