A Letter To Oppose Bill S1759, Please Write Your NJ Senators!

Dear Senator x, I’m writing to ask you to vote NO to bill S1759, a bill which parents feel is very intrusive and offensive to our religious rights. S1759 makes it much more complicated, expensive, and time-consuming to file for a religious exemption to vaccination. Currently parents can opt their children out of vaccines due … Read more

A Letter to a NJ Assemblywoman About A2450

February 24, 2011 Dear Assemblywoman Connie Wagner: Vaccination choice and the work to advance the bill A2450 – The Conscientious Exemption to Mandatory Immunization in New Jersey has become a passion of mine within the last two years.  I am the mother of two young girls who were injured by their vaccines.  My oldest daughter … Read more

Speaking Out for Vaccination Choice

This Letter to the Editor was originally published here: http://holmdel.patch.com/articles/letter-to-the-editor-speaking-out-for-vaccination-choice Holmdel mother urges others to object to a vote in the state legislature making it more difficult to declare a religious exemption I am a mother of two, living in Holmdel, and I wish to state a grave concern of mine– the present lack of … Read more

URGENT! NJ Religious Exemption Threatened by Vote on Thurs., Feb. 17!

February 15, 2011 The Honorable Chris Christie Office of the Governor P. O. Box 001 Trenton, NJ 08625 HAND DELIVERED Dear Governor Christie: This Thursday, February 17, parental vaccination choice and religious freedom in New Jersey face their greatest challenge and this is due to active obstruction of the legislative process. We know you have … Read more

Opinion: Vaccinations – Let parents make the choice

Original article posted HERE Wednesday, February 9, 2011BY CHARLOTTE VANDERVALKTHE RECORDCharlotte Vandervalk, R-Westwood, is an assemblywoman representing District 39. Send comments about this article to Peter Grad, Op-Ed Page editor, at grad@northjersey.com THE YOUNG DAUGHTER of the woman calling my office had been given her shots for school, had a reaction, and then spent months … Read more

Updating Governor Christie About Bill A-2450 for Vaccination Choice

January 26, 2011 The Honorable Chris ChristieOffice of the GovernorP. O. Box 001Trenton, NJ 08625 HAND DELIVERED Dear Governor Christie: We are writing to thank you for your prescient decision to support vaccination choice during the gubernatorial campaign. After you wrote the attached letter in support of our community, many more parents mobilized to vote … Read more