Healthcare Workers Flu Vaccine Tracking Bill Passes Assembly Health Committee


Assembly Health Committee Meeting:

The audio recording of this meeting is archived online.  Click this link to listen, then Click “listen”, on the Thursday, May 19th date. 

At about 14:50 is when A3920 (Flu vaccine for health care workers) started.  Charlotte Vandervalk started Speaking at the 17:39 mark.  She brought up the fact that mercury is still in most flu vaccines and therefore people may opt for the Flu Mist (live virus) this has the ability to then transmit the flu to vulnerable populations.  She was the only one there to speak out against the bill.

A couple people testified in favor, Conaway rattled off a few other names that supported and did not need to testify.

conawayConaway (26:31) then felt the need to have to speak to “debunk” what Charlotte said and that he follows the “medical science.”  He kept stressing that this bill just offers the vaccine and no one is forced to get it.

No one mentioned the tracking aspect of the bill. A vote was taken.  It was unanimous in FAVOR of the bill.

Feel free to call and e-mail the committee members and express your disappointment.  (They need to know that you know how they voted and are not happy). Especially call if you are a constituent of any of the committee members.

This is just the first step.  This bill now needs to go to the full assembly and also needs to pass through a Senate committee and the full Senate.  As of now, there is no senate version.  So, this is not over, just the first round.

Stay diligent!

Connie Wagner (D) – Dist. 38 – Vice Chair (Co-Sponsor of Bill) 201-576-9199 / fax: 201-576-9432

Joan Quigley (D) – Dist.32 – (Hospital Administrator) 201-217-4614 / fax: 201-217-4617

Celeste Riley (D) – Dist. 3- 856-455-1011 / fax: 856-251-9752

Jerry Green (D) – Dist.22 – 908-561-5757 / fax: 908-561-5757

Dan Benson (D) – Dist. 14 –New Legislator – 609-631-0198 / fax: 609-395-9032

Cleopatra Tucker (D) – Dist. 28 – 973-926-4320 / fax: 973-926-5736

Mary Pat Angelini(R) – Dist. 11 – 732-974-1719 / fax: 732-974-3615

Amy Handlin(R) – Dist. 13 – 732-787-1170 / fax: 732-787-0356

Vincent Polistina(R) – Dist. 2 – 609-677-8266 / fax: 609-677-8853

Nancy Munoz (R) – Dist. 21- 908-918-0414 / fax: 908-918-0275

Herb Conaway (D) – Dist. 7 – Chair – (Sponsor of Bill) 856-461-3997/ fax: 856-461-3823