The National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) – Public Teleconference

Draft Agenda
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 – 1 PM to 2 PM EDT
Participants call-in:
1-888-677-1385, Passcode: NVAC

More information: Found Here

Time Subject Presenter
1:00 Welcome Dr. Gus Birkhead (NVAC)
1:10 VSRAWG Update Dr. Marie McCormick (NVAC)
1:15 Seasonal Influenza Update Dr. Bruce Gellin (NVPO)
1:25 Seasonal Flu Safety Monitoring
Discussion of Recommendations and Vote
Dr. Gus Birkhead (NVAC)
1:35 Requests for comment Dr. Gus Birkhead (NVAC)
CMS Request: Legislative Changes to Provide Quality of Care to Children
HHS Request: Interim Final Rules Relating to Coverage of Preventive Services under
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Discussion of Letters and Vote

1:55 Public Comment
2:00 Adjourn

Questions: e-mail: or call (202) 690-5566
NVAC Website: