The 2024-2025 Legislative Cycle began on January 12, 2024.
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The Lawmaking Process can be challenging to understand please find valuable information HERE.
NJ Legislative Home page has the calendar to follow committee meeting, voting sessions and agendas.
The best way for you to stay up to date on how you can be involved is to be in touch with your local NJCVC representatives. There are many ways for you to be an activist in your community. With the guidance and support of NJCVC you can discover what activities will be most appropriate for you.
So far in the 2024-2025 Legislative Cycle the following bills are of interest to NJCVC. We advise that you watch the activity of these bills closely. To make sure you do not miss activity you can “subscribe” to the bill notification service for each of the following bills. To do this you will have to create a log in through the NJ Legislative Website and click on the + to add a bill subscription to your account.
NJCVC recommends SUPPORT of these bills.
S657/A624 – Establishes Children’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
S656/A625 – Provides for identification and study of infant fatalities and near fatalities resulting from Vaccination; requires inclusion of Vaccination information in sudden infant death reports; and requires use of federal infant death reporting form.
S1359/A3827 – Prohibits institutions of higher education from requiring students to receive COVID-19 vaccination.
A742 – Eliminates vaccines containing mercury over three years.
S377 – Revises requirements for administration of vaccines to patients.
S379 -“Children’s Vaccination Bill of Rights”; provides children in State with certain protections concerning vaccines.
S380/A780 – Requires entities to accept confirmation of prior COVID-19 infection or protective immune response against COVID-19 when proof of vaccination is required.
S454/A3835 – Prohibits discrimination against individuals who have not received COVID-19 vaccine.
A1506 – Prohibits government entity or school from requiring influenza vaccinations for persons who are 18 years of age or younger.
S1693/A1507 – Restricts establishment of mandates to become vaccinated against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); establishes reimbursement program to cover certain out-of-pocket costs incurred in obtaining COVID-19 vaccine.
S2114 -Concerns vaccine mandates and eligibility for unemployment benefits for certain health care workers.
A1307 – “Informed Consent for Vaccination Act”; revises requirements for administration of vaccines to patients.
A710 – Prohibits State from requiring private businesses to confirm individuals received COVID-19 vaccine for entry.
A3375 – Prohibits discrimination against pregnant women who have not received COVID-19 vaccine.
ACR45/SCR23 – Urges US Congress to pass legislation to reinstate service members discharged for refusing COVID-19 vaccine.
AR12/SR16 -Urges Congress to compel Department of Health and Human Services to fulfill its obligations pursuant to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.
NJCVC recommends OPPOSITION to these bills.
A1812 – Clarifies statutory exemptions from mandatory Immunization requirements for child care center and school attendance.
A1864 – Requires students, staff, and others present at institutions of higher education to receive COVID-19 Vaccine.
A1823 – Requires students and certain other children to be annually vaccinated for influenza as condition of enrollment at public and private K-12 schools, preschools, child care centers, and institutions of higher education.
A1899/S1981 – Expands authority of pharmacy technician in administering drugs and vaccines and permits certain pharmacists and pharmacy interns, externs, and technicians to administer COVID-19 vaccine.